CHOOSE HAPPINESS is a collection, inspired to uplift and remind us all that everything is possible. It is a challenge to irony and cynicism. It is a reminder that EVERYDAY MAGIC exists in the world. People, art, the natural world, places...all continue to surprise and astound us if we are willing and open to look. It is not a saccharine sweet ideal of the world because it is up to each of us to CHOOSE HAPPINESS.

Transition from Fall to Spring is such a tricky time for those of us who create product. Fall markdowns are plentiful at attractive prices. The weather has not drastically changed so that is not a motivation to purchase. You want to message that the product is different than clearance and the window of opportunity is short to make a concise statement, hoping to appeal to an emotional purchase.

This collection answers these challenges with a tight seasonless color palette with accents of lighter and spring shades of white, pale green, and pale blue. It is also a palette cleanser and a departure from all the red, burgundy, forest green, and black that will be on the markdown racks. The items provide layering for continued cool weather while being differentiated in design. A sense of playfulness and whimsy will hopefully inspire an emotional purchase.

THE NATURAL WORLD is a contemporary collection inspired by the patterns and rhythms of nature. Curiously, many patterns are prescribed by a mathematical formula bringing order to a normally chaotic environment.

We are slowly becoming aware that our natural resources are limited. This tailored vest project is a solution to reducing waste in the garment industry. Either using up scraps from the cutting floor or repurposing discarded garments, the patch working, reworking, and reconstruction of these raw materials into fashionable and beautiful garments can move this important initiative forward.

America is rediscovering old traditions of craftsmanship and handiwork. New artisans working in wood, metal, leather, paint, wool and cotton are creating quality goods combining Puritan ideals of simplicity and usefulness with new technology and performance.

Personal Projects